We take our role in preserving the environment very seriously. We have an active environmental policy and encourage our employees to play an active role in environmental control. Hambaker operates a Quality Management System in accordance with BS EN ISO 9001: 2015 (BSI Certificate Number FM 12908).
We work closely with legislative bodies, such as the Environment Agency, in monitoring and measuring our industrial activity.Â
Almost all of our products can be recycled – taking scrap iron and metal, re-heating and turning it into new products.
The majority of our products are used in the water and waste-water industry, and we have an important role to play. As water companies invest billions in replacing and renovating worn out pipelines and building new water treatment works, our products play a critical role in maintaining and renewing the infrastructure and ensure the nation’s supply of clean healthy water.

Health & Safety
At Hambaker Pipelines…
- Our policy is to maintain the highest attainable standards of health and safety by creating a culture that will achieve zero harm.
- To achieve this, we’re committed to the prevention of all accidents, injury and ill health.
- We provide safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all employees and provide them with the information, training and supervision they need to reach our required standards.
- We’re committed to encouraging participation of all employees in the maintenance and continual improvement of these standards. In doing so we’ll promote a culture whereby all employees are responsible for their own health and safety and that of their colleagues.
- We’ll protect any visitors and other members of the public from exposure to any significant risks and are committed to ensuring that all our plant, equipment and processes are compliant with all the relevant legal requirements.
Hambaker operates an Occupational Health & Safety Management System in accordance with BS ISO 45001: 2018 (BSi Certificate Number OHS 570684).

At Hambaker Pipelines…
- We’ll develop and embed a sustainability vision that is committed to improving the environment through the actions of our people, the development of our operations and in the provision of product and service solutions to support our customers’ environmental targets and performance.
- We’ll design and operate our plants in conformance with the current relevant legislation and will communicate with regulators, technical organisations, customers and suppliers concerning the means and methods of compliance.
- We’ll discuss, at the highest level in the company, environmental issues and involve all of our employees in meeting our environmental objectives, providing them with the necessary training to discharge their responsibilities.
- We’ll review the environmental impact of all our activities and endeavour to actively reduce that impact by preventing pollution and by reducing our direct and indirect emissions.
- Hambaker operates an Environmental Management System in accordance with BS EN ISO 14001: 2015 (BSi Certificate Number EMS 83973)
We’ll demonstrate our commitment to these values by adopting a policy of sustainable development, resource efficiency which is supported by the Saint-Gobain Group Principles of Conduct & Action.

At Hambaker Pipelines…
- We’ll create a company culture that will allow our people to develop to their full potential.
- We’ll promote diversity, ensure equal opportunities, eradicate discrimination and create an engaged and motivated workforce.
- We’ll protect our people and stakeholders from the risks of occupational injury and ill health through continuous improvement of our health & safety culture and performance.
- We’ll interact positively with our local community.
- We’ll provide our customers with high quality products and innovative solutions to deliver a more sustainable environment and infrastructure.
- We’re committed to customer education, training and skills development and promoting awareness of sustainable solutions.
- We’re committed to ethical sourcing of products.
- We’ll actively reduce our impact on the environment by:
- maximising resource efficiency in planning, design, waste minimisation and recycling
- reducing our direct and indirect emissions
- reducing energy consumption across all parts of our business and source an increasing proportion of our requirements from renewable energy sources
- positively managing our biodiversity impacts and enhancing wildlife and habitats for the future